What is brand strategy and why do you need one?

Imagine sitting down with a warm cup of coffee on your Monday morning to create the weekly content for your business.

You have a completely clear vision about what it will say and what language you needed to use and how it will look, knowing that it will 100% connect with your ideal customer and ultimately result in business growth and more $$ in the bank.

Ummmm who wouldn’t give their left hand for that, if only it could be that easy.

Well sister, it can be! With a brand strategy.




I know the words brand strategy are thrown around online a lot these days, but what does it actually mean? It can be confusing AF but don’t worry that’s totally normal if you don’t fully understand it.  


Let me break it down for you.


First let’s start with defining a brand and branding.

“A brand is the sum of the perceptions that are held about you, your company or your products. Branding is any activity you undertake that can alter those perceptions.” 

QUOTE – UNKNOWN, but it’s such a goodie!


A brand strategy is a plan or set of guidelines that you put in place to identify what you need those perceptions around your brand to be. It’s the foundations that give you the direction and clarity you’ve been craving to achieve!


So why is brand strategy important?

There are so many touch points that add up to those brand perceptions, from the design of your identity, design of your products and services, the advertising you do, your online presence, your voice and messaging, the types of clients you work with and who you get to represent or endorse you.  

When you have a brand strategy, you have a clear guidance to help you make informed decisions on all these touch points, allowing you to better connect with your ideal client.

It’s like having a blueprint you can go look over every time you need to create something new for your business.

A brand strategy should include a deep dive into your purpose, values, ideal customer persona, competitor analysis, your own brand’s personality and tone of voice as well as your mission.

Having the answers to all of these will bring you so much clarity and direction with everything you do in your business.

So in a nutshell, everyone should have a brand strategy, whether you’re a large company or solopreneur. At the end of the day, the stronger your connection with your ideal client, the more growth you’re going see resulting is more $$.


It’s a no brainer!!


My top 10 tips to DIY your branding